Youth Beyond Boundaries

March Entrepreneurial Bazaar

Introducing our vendors for the March Entrepreneurial Bazaar:
GOLD – Generating Opportunities for Learning Disables, NAKED 101,  Deliccia, Pott Glasses,  Health Seeders,  MySkills Foundations,  dahmakan
,  Kyan-Mar-Yeh Project and last but not least we ourselves, Breadboard!
We will be bringing in a wide variety of products from brownies made with love, all-natural organic beauty products by NAKED 101 to glasses by Pott Glasses. Besides all the awesome products that they are selling, each of these vendor has their own unique vision/cause to their business, so do check them out and pick their brains on how they developed their vision for their business!
Swing by UCSI University Block A Lobby from 10.00AM to 3.30PM and grab something you love! Do check out our collaborator The Good Tavern as well!